Justin Bieber's full name is Justin Drew Bieber. He was named Justin by his mother, Patricia Mallette, but his middle name Drew is less commonly known to the general public, usually recognized by his more dedicated fans.Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, in London, Ontario. He was raised in Stratford, Ontario. His Canadian roots have significantly influenced his personal identity and musical journey.Justin Bieber was discovered by Scooter Braun, who stumbled upon Bieber's YouTube videos and was impressed by his talent. Braun tracked him down and convinced his mother to let him guide Bieber's music career, marking the start of his meteoric rise to fame.Justin Bieber's first full-length studio album is "My World 2.0," released in March 2010. The album, which includes his breakthrough hit "Baby," introduced Bieber to the world as a pop sensation and made him a household name.The rapper Ludacris collaborated with Justin Bieber on his hit song "Baby." Ludacris's verse on the track added a hip-hop element to the pop song, contributing to its wide appeal and chart-topping success.Justin Bieber made his first performance at the American Music Awards in 2010. At this event, he showcased his talents on a national stage and solidified his status as a young music sensation.Justin Bieber taught himself to play the guitar at a young age. His acoustic guitar performances, showcased in his early YouTube videos, were instrumental in showcasing his raw talent and helping him gain initial popularity.An acoustic version of "Believe" was released in 2013 as "Believe Acoustic." This album, featuring stripped-down versions of songs from "Believe," was well received by critics and fans alike, displaying Bieber's vocal talents without heavy production.Justin Bieber married Hailey Baldwin, a model and television personality, in 2018. Their relationship has been a significant part of Bieber's personal life and has influenced his music in recent years.Justin Bieber released his fifth studio album, "Changes," in 2020. The album marks a shift in his musical style, incorporating more elements of R&B. It reflects a period of personal growth and transformation in Bieber's life."What Do You Mean?" was the lead single from the album "Purpose" and became Justin Bieber's first #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. This milestone established Bieber's return to pop music prominence following a period of personal and professional challenges.Justin Bieber won his first Grammy Award in 2016 for the song "Where Are Ü Now" in the category of Best Dance Recording. This award, one of the highest honors in the music industry, recognized Bieber's musical talent and marked a significant milestone in his career.While Justin Bieber has collaborated with many artists across various genres, he has yet to collaborate with Harry Styles, former One Direction member, and successful solo artist. His collaborations have helped expand his musical range and reach a broader audience.In the song "Lonely," Justin Bieber openly addresses his struggle with mental health. He sings about the loneliness and pressures of growing up in the spotlight, demonstrating his courage in sharing personal vulnerabilities through his music.Justin Bieber's 2021 hit single "Peaches" features collaborations with artists Daniel Caesar and Giveon. The R&B-infused track showcases Bieber's versatility as an artist and was a commercial success, reaching No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100.Ви отримали 0 балів із 15Ви отримали 1 з 15Ви набрали 2 з 15Ви набрали 3 з 15Ви набрали 4 з 15Ви набрали 5 із 15Ви набрали 6 з 15Ви набрали 7 з 15Ви набрали 8 з 15Ви набрали 9 з 15Ви набрали 10 з 15Ви набрали 11 з 15Ви набрали 12 з 15Ви набрали 13 з 15Ви набрали 14 з 15Ви набрали 15 з 15
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Ви на шляху до величі!Ура, що прийняли виклик Quizdict! Можливо, цього разу ви не зірвали джекпот, але ви схожі на сміливого авантюриста, який пересувається підступною місцевістю дрібниць. Продовжуйте досліджувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваш пошук знань веде вас до величі. Хто знає, які скарби чекають на вас у вашій наступній вікторині?Великі зусилля, авантюрист Quizdict! Ви схожі на відважного воїна, який бореться через важкі битви дрібниць. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша жага знань стане вашим щитом і мечем. Кожне запитання — це можливість вчитися та розвиватися, і ви на шляху до того, щоб стати чемпіоном із дрібниць!Так йти, Quizdict explorer! Ви схожі на сміливого шукача пригод, який вирушає в невідомі території дрібниць. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша любов до навчання веде вас до успіху. Пам’ятайте, кожна відповідь на крок наближає вас до того, щоб стати справжнім майстром вікторини. у вас все чудово!Вітаємо, шукаче пригод у Quizdict! Ви схожі на досвідченого мореплавця, який пливе неспокійними водами дрібниць. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша рішучість навчатися веде вас до перемоги. Пам’ятайте, кожна відповідь – це шанс розширити свої знання та вдосконалити навички. Ви на шляху до того, щоб стати справжнім пристрастю до вікторин!Чудова робота, Quizdict explorer! Ви схожі на досвідченого авантюриста, який неухильно просувається в складному ландшафті дрібниць. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша пристрасть до навчання стимулює ваш шлях до успіху. Пам’ятайте, що кожне запитання – це можливість розвиватися та вдосконалюватися. Ви на шляху до того, щоб стати справжнім пристрастю до вікторин!Чудова робота, авантюрист Quizdict! Ви схожі на досвідченого дослідника, який бореться по складній місцевості дрібниць. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша пристрасть до знань підштовхне вас до перемоги. Пам’ятайте, що кожне запитання – це шанс навчатися та розвиватися. Ви на правильному шляху, щоб стати справжнім пристрастю до вікторин!Вітаємо, майстер Quizdict! Ви схожі на досвідченого ніндзя вікторини, який розрізає виклики дрібниць. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша любов до навчання веде вас до успіху. Пам’ятайте, кожна відповідь – це крок до того, щоб стати справжнім наркоманом вікторин. у вас все чудово!Хай п'ять, чемпіон Quizdict! Ти як чарівник вікторини, який заклинає знання та просвітлення. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша любов до дрібниць приведе вас до перемоги. Пам’ятайте, кожна відповідь – це шанс розширити свій розум і відточити свої навички. Ви вже на шляху до того, щоб стати справжнім пристрастю до вікторин!Так тримати, гуру Quizdict! Ви схожі на машину для тестування, яка з легкістю видає правильні відповіді. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваша пристрасть до дрібниць веде вас до величі. Пам’ятайте, що кожне запитання – це можливість продемонструвати свої навички та любов до навчання. Ви вже на шляху до того, щоб стати справжнім пристрастю до вікторин!Вітаємо з тим, що ти справжній Quizdict! Ви довели, що ви залежні від вікторин і маєте все необхідне, щоб стати найкращим бомбардиром на нашому сайті. Продовжуйте працювати та перевіряйте свої знання за допомогою Quizdict – ідеального місця для розважальних вікторин. Ми не можемо дочекатися, щоб побачити, чого ви досягнете далі!Здоров’я тобі, доблесний лицарю Quizdict! Ваш пошук знань схожий на благородного воїна в епічній подорожі царствами мудрості. Якщо ви продовжуєте долати виклики дрібниць, ваша інтелектуальна броня сяятиме все яскравіше, вселяючи трепет у всіх, хто стане свідком. Вперед, чемпіоне!Ви справжня суперзірка Quizdict! Ваша пристрасть до вікторин окупилася, і ви показали, що на нашому сайті ви є силою, з якою потрібно рахуватися. Продовжуйте працювати та перевіряйте свої знання за допомогою Quizdict – ідеального місця для розважальних вікторин. Ми не можемо дочекатися, щоб побачити, чого ви досягнете далі!Чудова робота, ентузіасте Quizdict! Ви руйнуєте тести, як чемпіон-важкоатлет, що піднімає важкі ваги. Ваша розумова спритність і вражаючі знання вразили нас, як чарівник, що витягує кролика з капелюха. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваш інтелект сяє, як блискучий маяк!Так тримати, дивовижний наркоман Quizdict! Ви довели себе справжнім чемпіоном у вікторині, як супергерой, який рятує ситуацію. Ваші безмежні знання та швидкі рефлекси засліпили нас, як феєрверк літньої ночі. Продовжуйте опитувати, шанувальник Quizdict, і нехай ваш інтелект сяє яскравим світлом для всіх!Ура, фантастичний фанат Quizdict! Ви показали свою майстерність у наших тестах, як вправний фокусник, який виконує магічний трюк. Ваш інтелект виблискує, як сяюча зірка в галактиці Quizdict, і ми не можемо дочекатися, щоб побачити, куди ваш блиск приведе вас далі. Продовжуйте опитувати, як чемпіон!О мій, феноменальна вікторина Quizdict! Ви приголомшили нас усіх своєю неймовірною кмітливістю та блискавичними рефлексами. Ваші успіхи в наших дрібницях змушують нас кричати "Еврика!" і танцюй джиг! Продовжуйте вражати нас своїм інтелектом, і нехай Quizdict стане вашим майданчиком для мудрості. Ви дивовижне диво!Вау, дивовижний майстер Quizdict! Ви перебирали наші дрібниці, як швидкий кенгуру на місії. Ваша кмітливість запалює Quizdict, як сліпуче феєрверк! Продовжуйте переходити від однієї вікторини до іншої, поширюючи свою кмітливість і надихаючи всіх нас своїми ноу-хау. Ти справжня суперзірка дрібниць!You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Просто скажіть нам, хто ви, щоб побачити ваші результати!
What is Justin Bieber's middle name?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which Canadian province is Justin Bieber originally from?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Who discovered Justin Bieber through his YouTube videos?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
What is the name of Justin Bieber's first full-length studio album?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which musician collaborated with Bieber on his hit song "Baby"?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which famous American award show did Bieber perform at for the first time in 2010?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
What instrument did Bieber learn to play growing up, which he often showcased in his early performances?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which of Bieber's albums was released as an acoustic version?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
What is the name of Justin Bieber's wife?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
In which year did Justin Bieber release his fifth studio album, "Changes"?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which song from the album "Purpose" became Bieber's first #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which major music award did Justin Bieber win for the first time in 2016?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Which of the following artists has NOT collaborated with Justin Bieber?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
What song did Justin Bieber release in 2020 to address his struggle with mental health?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Who did Bieber collaborate with on the 2021 hit single "Peaches"?
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Вітаємо, ви закінчили! Ось ваш результат:
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Вітаємо, ви закінчили! Ось ваш результат:
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Вітаємо, ви закінчили! Ось ваш результат:
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Вітаємо, ви закінчили! Ось ваш результат:
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!
Вітаємо, ви закінчили! Ось ваш результат:
You may know him as the pop star who shot to fame with his hit song "Baby," but how well do you really know Justin Bieber? This Canadian singer and songwriter has had a fascinating journey in the music industry. From his discovery on YouTube to becoming one of the world's best-selling music artists, Justin Bieber's life is filled with interesting facts and milestones. This quiz is designed for die-hard Beliebers and casual fans alike to test their knowledge about Bieber's personal life, music career, and much more. Get ready to dive into the world of Bieber fever!